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Age Groups

At Future Rose Nursery, it is important that all our caregivers and parents are aware of all different the age groups. In defining each group, we take into consideration the different developmental phases and milestones in early childhood.

sleeping infant
Omani baby 1 year birthday celebration

(4 - 12 months): Our program caters to infants by supporting their physical development and enhancing their cognitive ability through sensory activities. In addition to that, we introduce babies to literacy using The Glenn Domen method. At Future Rose Nursery, the baby room is a safe and hygienic space equipped with all the tools needed to support your baby's early growth.

Toddlers 1 (1 - 2 yrs): Our aim for this toddler group is to provide them with a happy and cheerful environment as well as lots of learning through play.

Toddlers (2 - 3 yrs): This age group enjoys many play and learning opportunities such as colouring, painting, books, puzzles, number and letter recognition etc... . We make sure they meet all their developmental milestones and are ready for the next stage.

preschool child in a classroom

(3 - 4 yrs): At this stage, we aim to prepare the children for a successful journey in school and later years. The children gain the necessary fine motor, maths and literacy skills to apply towards reading, writing and calculation. They also walk away with plenty of knowledge and experience that enhances their confidence and independence.

For Information on our fees and enrolment
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